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作者:   发布时间 :2021年04月23日

姓名:朱泳璋  职称:副教授  /博士生导师







1998-2002年  云南大学生命科学学院 国家生物学基地班  微生物学 学士

2002-2007年  清华大学北京协和医学院 医学生物学研究所  硕博连读 遗传学博士


2007.09-2009.09  微生物与免疫学系, 上海交通大学医学院  病原生物学博士后

2011.03-2017.07  微生物与免疫学系, 上海交通大学医学院   讲师、副教授

2014.11-2015.11  兽医学院, 康奈尔大学,  访问学者

2017.08-2019.07  抗生素研究所, 复旦大学附属华山医院,  讲师、副教授

2020.06-2020.11  P3实验室, 广州海关技术中心,  检验副主任技师

2020.12-至今    动物健康与食品安全系, 上海交通大学医学院全球健康学院  副教授








研究内容:重点关注重要人畜共患病原菌和重要耐药基因在人-动物-环境的交叉界面流行和传播模式和相互作用机制。以项目负责人主持国家自然科学青年基金、省自然科学基金和国家博士后基金等多项省部级课题,近五年来以第一作者或通讯作者发表包括8篇中科院一区文章在内的SCI论文20余篇,影响因子超过10分以上有9篇,影响因子超过100,包括Emerging Microbes & infections, Infectious Disease of Poverty, Sci Total EnvironmSystemsPLOS NTD等。


1) Min Li, Haoran Zhang, Wengang Zhang, Ying Cao, Bingqing Sun, et al, Xiaokui Guo, Jun Shang*, Shixin Huang*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). One global disseminated 193 kb high-risk hybrid plasmid harboring tet(X4), mcr or blaNDM threatening public health. Sci Total Environ 2023 Mar 14;876:162807.

2) Chang C, Guo W, Yu X, Guo C, Zhou N, Guo X, Huang RL*, Li Q*, Zhu Y*(corresponding author). Engineered M13 phage as a novel therapeutic bionanomaterial for clinical applications: From tissue regeneration to cancer therapy. Mater Today Bio 2023 Mar 24;20:100612.

3) Chao Lv, Jun Shang, Wengang Zhang, Bingqing Sun, Min Li, Chaoyi Guo, Nan Zhou, Xiaokui Guo*, Shixin Huang*,   Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). Dynamic antimicrobial resistant patterns of Escherichia coli from healthy poultry and swine over 10 years in Chongming Island, Shanghai. Infect Dis Poverty 2022 Sep 16;11(1):98.

4) Nan Zhou, Zile Cheng, Xiaoxi Zhang, Chao Lv, Chaoyi Guo, Haodong Liu, Ke Dong, Yan Zhang, Chang Liu, Yung-Fu Chang, Sheng Chen, Xiaokui Guo*, Xiao-Nong Zhou*, Min Li*,  Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). Global antimicrobial resistance: a system-wide comprehensive investigation using the Global One Health Index. Infect Dis Poverty 2022 Aug 23;11(1):92.

5) Zhu Y, Shi L, Zeng Y, Piao D, Xie Y, Du J, Gao M, Gao W, Tian J, Yue J, Li M, Guo X, Yao Y, Kang Y. Key immunity characteristics of diverse stages of brucellosis in rural population from Inner Mongolia, China. Infect Dis Poverty 2022 Jun 4;11(1):63.

6)  Hongye Wang, Dongshan Yan, Ya Li, Yanfei Gong, Yulin Mai, Bingxiang Li, Xiaoyong Zhu, Xinrui Wan, Liyun Xie, HuaKe Jiang, Min Zhang, Ming Sun*, Yufeng Yao*,  Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). Clinical and antibody characteristics reveal diverse signatures of severe and non-severe SARS-CoV-2 patients. Infect Dis Poverty. 2022 Feb 2;11(1):15.

7) Tinghua Lia, Lin Lyua, Yan Zhang, Ke Donga, Qingtian Li*, Xiaokui Guo*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author).  A newly isolated E. thailandicus strain d5B with exclusively antimicrobial activity against C. difficile might be a novel therapy for controlling CDI.  Genomics 2020 Sep 18;S0888-7543(20)30206-8.

8) Tinghua Li, Yan Zhang, Ke Dong, Chih-Jung Kuo, Chong Li, Yong-Qiang Zhu, Jinhong Qin, Qing-Tian Li, Yung-Fu Chang*, Xiaokui Guo*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). Isolation and Characterization of the Novel Phage JD032 and Global Transcriptomic Response during JD032 Infection of Clostridioides difficile Ribotype 078. mSystems 2020 May 5;5(3):e00017-20.

9) Cuicai Zhang, Jianmin Xu, Tinglan Zhang, Haiyan Qiu, Zhenpeng Li, Enmin Zhang, Shijun Li, Yung-Fu Chang, Xiaokui Guo*, Xiugao Jiang*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). Genetic Characteristics of Pathogenic Leptospira in wild small animals and livestock in Jiangxi Province, China, 2002-2015.   PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. June 24, 2019  10.1371/journal.pntd.0007513

10) Xu-ming Li, Yao-xia Kang1, Liang Lin, En-Hou Jia, Dong-Ri Piao, Hai Jiang, Cui-Cai Zhang, Jin He, Yung-Fu Chang*, Xiao-Kui Guo* and Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). Genomic Characterization Provides New Insights for Detailed Phage- Resistant Mechanism for Brucella abortus. Front. Microbiol, 03 May 2019.

11) Jiayu Wang, Zheng Teng, Wei Chu, Fanghao Fang, Xiaoqing Cui, Xiaokui Guo, Xi Zhang*, Bruce Thorley*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). The Emergence and Spread of One Coxsackievirus A16 Genogroup D Novel Recombinant Strain Causing a Clustering HFMD Outbreak in Shanghai, China, 2016.  Emerg Microbes Infect. 2018 Jul 18;7(1):131.

12) Jiayu Wang, Zheng Teng, Xiaoqing Cui, Chongshan Li, Hao Pan, Yaxu Zheng, Shenghua Mao, Yuying Yang, Limeng Wu, Xiaokui Guo*, Xi Zhang*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author).  Epidemiological and Serological Surveillance of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Shanghai, China, 2012- 2016.  Emerg Microbes Infect. 2018 Jan 24;7(1):8.

NameYongZhang Zhu


Title:  Associate Professor

Email Address: yzhzhu@sjtu.edu.cn

Office Address: No.412 room in laohong lou building

Office Tel: 021-63846590-776694


1998.09-2002.07 YunNan University School of life science National biology base class

2002.09-2007.07 Tsinghua University & Peking Union Medical College, Genetics Ph.D


2007.09-2009.09  Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine  Postdoc

2011.03-2017.07  Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,  Associate Professor

2014.11-2015.11  Veterinary School, Cornell University, Visiting Scholar

2017.08-2019.07  Institute of Antibiotics, Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University,  Associate Professor

2020.06-2020.11   Pathogen NGS sequencing platform of P3 lab, Guangzhou Customs District Technology Center,  Associate Professor

2020.12-Present   School of Global Health, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,  Associate Professor

Supporting  Grants

Time 2010.01-2012.12  Title Virulence evolution mechanism of serovar icterohaemorrhagiae  virulent  and Virulence-attenuated strains in Pathogenic Leptospira Interrogans  Grant Number30900051 Source National Natural Science Foundation of China

Time2010.11-2013.10 TitleGenomic and Proteomic-based novel approach for screening  vaccine antigens of Bordetella pertussis  Grant NumberBK2010158  SourceProvincial Natural Science Foundation

Time2008.09-2010.08 Title Comparative Genomics of Serovar Autumns hypervirulent and Attenuated strains in Pathogenic Leptospira Interrogans  Grant Number20080430655   SourceChinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation

Research Interest

Pathogen Genomics and AMR control

Selected Publications

1) Min Li, Haoran Zhang, Wengang Zhang, Ying Cao, Bingqing Sun, et al, Xiaokui Guo, Jun Shang*, Shixin Huang*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). One global disseminated 193 kb high-risk hybrid plasmid harboring tet(X4), mcr or blaNDM threatening public health. Sci Total Environ 2023 Mar 14;876:162807.

2) Chang C, Guo W, Yu X, Guo C, Zhou N, Guo X, Huang RL*, Li Q*, Zhu Y*(corresponding author). Engineered M13 phage as a novel therapeutic bionanomaterial for clinical applications: From tissue regeneration to cancer therapy. Mater Today Bio 2023 Mar 24;20:100612.

3) Chao Lv, Jun Shang, Wengang Zhang, Bingqing Sun, Min Li, Chaoyi Guo, Nan Zhou, Xiaokui Guo*, Shixin Huang*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). Dynamic antimicrobial resistant patterns of Escherichia coli from healthy poultry and swine over 10 years in Chongming Island, Shanghai. Infect Dis Poverty 2022 Sep 16;11(1):98.

4) Nan Zhou, Zile Cheng, Xiaoxi Zhang, Chao Lv, Chaoyi Guo, Haodong Liu, Ke Dong, Yan Zhang, Chang Liu, Yung-Fu Chang, Sheng Chen, Xiaokui Guo*, Xiao-Nong Zhou*, Min Li*,  Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). Global antimicrobial resistance: a system-wide comprehensive investigation using the Global One Health Index. Infect Dis Poverty 2022 Aug 23;11(1):92.

5) Zhu Y, Shi L, Zeng Y, Piao D, Xie Y, Du J, Gao M, Gao W, Tian J, Yue J, Li M, Guo X, Yao Y, Kang Y. Key immunity characteristics of diverse stages of brucellosis in rural population from Inner Mongolia, China. Infect Dis Poverty 2022 Jun 4;11(1):63.

6)  Hongye Wang, Dongshan Yan, Ya Li, Yanfei Gong, Yulin Mai, Bingxiang Li, Xiaoyong Zhu, Xinrui Wan, Liyun Xie, HuaKe Jiang, Min Zhang, Ming Sun*, Yufeng Yao*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). Clinical and antibody characteristics reveal diverse signatures of severe and non-severe SARS-CoV-2 patients. Infect Dis Poverty. 2022 Feb 2;11(1):15.

7) Tinghua Lia, Lin Lyua, Yan Zhang, Ke Donga, Qingtian Li*, Xiaokui Guo*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author).  A newly isolated E. thailandicus strain d5B with exclusively antimicrobial activity against C. difficile might be a novel therapy for controlling CDI.  Genomics 2020 Sep 18;S0888-7543(20)30206-8.

8) Tinghua Li, Yan Zhang, Ke Dong, Chih-Jung Kuo, Chong Li, Yong-Qiang Zhu, Jinhong Qin, Qing-Tian Li, Yung-Fu Chang*, Xiaokui Guo*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). Isolation and Characterization of the Novel Phage JD032 and Global Transcriptomic Response during JD032 Infection of Clostridioides difficile Ribotype 078. mSystems 2020 May 5;5(3):e00017-20.

9) Cuicai Zhang, Jianmin Xu, Tinglan Zhang, Haiyan Qiu, Zhenpeng Li, Enmin Zhang, Shijun Li, Yung-Fu Chang, Xiaokui Guo*, Xiugao Jiang*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). Genetic Characteristics of Pathogenic Leptospira in wild small animals and livestock in Jiangxi Province, China, 2002-2015.   PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. June 24, 2019  10.1371/journal.pntd.0007513

10) Xu-ming Li, Yao-xia Kang1, Liang Lin, En-Hou Jia, Dong-Ri Piao, Hai Jiang, Cui-Cai Zhang, Jin He, Yung-Fu Chang*, Xiao-Kui Guo*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). Genomic Characterization Provides New Insights for Detailed Phage- Resistant Mechanism for Brucella abortus. Front. Microbiol, 03 May 2019.

11) Jiayu Wang, Zheng Teng, Wei Chu, Fanghao Fang, Xiaoqing Cui, Xiaokui Guo, Xi Zhang*, Bruce Thorley*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author). The Emergence and Spread of One Coxsackievirus A16 Genogroup D Novel Recombinant Strain Causing a Clustering HFMD Outbreak in Shanghai, China, 2016.  Emerg Microbes Infect. 2018 Jul 18;7(1):131.

12) Jiayu Wang, Zheng Teng, Xiaoqing Cui, Chongshan Li, Hao Pan, Yaxu Zheng, Shenghua Mao, Yuying Yang, Limeng Wu, Xiaokui Guo*, Xi Zhang*, Zhu YZ *(corresponding author).  Epidemiological and Serological Surveillance of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Shanghai, China, 2012- 2016.  Emerg Microbes Infect. 2018 Jan 24;7(1):8.



