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2021 暑期线上游学 — 云端再相会


由于疫情的持续影响,20级的小鹦鹉们仍无法奔赴国外进行游学。感谢于网络的发达,我们在家中也能通过brightspace连线千里之外的渥太华大学,进行线上游学。在由渥太华大学老师主持的orientation之后,我们的summer school正式开始了。

在这个暑假里,我们将会进行三门课程的学习:HSS (Determinants of health), APA (Physical activity in a global health perspective), ANT (Social and cultural anthropology)。以下是对三门课程的介绍。

Due to the continuing impact of the epidemic, we are still unable to travel abroad for study tours. Thanks to the Internet, we can still get in touch with the University of Ottawa thousands of miles away from home through brightspace for a online summer school. After the orientation hosted by teachers from University of Ottawa, our summer school officially began.
    During this summer vacation, we will study three courses: HSS (Determinants of health), APA (Physical activity in a global health perspective), ANT (Social and cultural Anthropology). Here is the introduction to the three courses.


HSS: Determinants of health

HSS课程全名Determinants of Health,顾名思义,该课程主要围绕影响健康的各类因素展开。作为三门课程中最先开课的一门,HSS对课程的内容深入浅出,为同学们之后学习其他两门课程做了有利的铺垫。其次是Rodrigue Deuboue教授对于课程整体有一个很好的把握,所以看完教授的课程视频之后都能对要求掌握的学习重点有很好的了解。关于健康,教授从定义谈到体育运动,从锻炼的好处谈到健康的饮食,给同学们带来了课本以外的丰富知识。

The HSS course, full name of which is Determinants of Health, is, as the name suggests, focused on a variety of health-impacting factors. As first of the three courses, HSS has laid the foundation for students to learn the other two courses later. What’s more, Prof. Rodrigue Deuboue has a good grasp of the course as a whole. So, after watching the course videos, we have a good understanding of the learning priorities required. On health, the professor talked from definition to physical activity, from the benefits of exercise to a healthy diet, and brought students a wealth of knowledge beyond textbooks.


APA: Physical activity in a global health perspective

physical activity in a global perspective这门课开始以前,很特别的是,老师让我们每个人做了一个自我小传记的独特自我介绍,以此来对我们有一个初步地了解。而在课程中,有如殖民主义、千年发展目标(MDGs)、可持续发展目标(SDGs)、DALYYLL等许多或熟悉或陌生的概念与话题,在老师为我们所展现的一种全新的全球视角中,向我们逐渐揭开决定健康的众多因素的神秘面纱。

    Before the course of Physical Activity in a Global Perspective began, the teacher asked each of us to make a unique self-introduction, a brief biography, so as to know every of us. In the course, many familiar or unfamiliar concepts and topics, such as colonialism, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), DALY, YLL and so on, are revealed to us by teachers in a new global perspective, gradually revealing the mystery of many factors that determine health.


ANT: Social and cultural Anthropology


The ANT course, called Socio-cultural Anthropology, will focus on the study of the human way of life and the social and historical context in which anthropology came into being and developed. It will analyze cultural and social systems, kinship, politics, economics, religion, and the environment. The teaching will include lectures, literature reading and film watching. The variety of teaching methods will bring fun to this course and give us detailed and rich knowledge.


    在观看录播课的同时,各门课程还安排了每周一次在zoom上进行的office hour,并在brightspace上提供了互动平台,以供各位同学提出自己的问题。对于同学们的每一个问题,老师都会耐心地解答和拓展。这样的教学方式大大提高了教学效率,使同学们在家中也可以与渥太华大学紧密联系,学到新知识。

In addition to the recorded lectures, each course offers a weekly office hour on Zoom and an interactive platform on BrightSpace for students to ask their own questions. For each of the students' questions, the teacher will patiently answer and explain. This method of teaching greatly improves the efficiency of teaching, and enables students to be closely connected with the University of Ottawa and learn new knowledge at home.

希望经过两个月的summer school学习,同学们可以远程感受渥太华大学的学习氛围,通过三位教授的课程提升自我,带着知识满载而归!

Wish that after two months of summer school study, students can get access to the learning atmosphere of the University of Ottawa remotely, improve themselves through the three professors’ courses, and return with more knowledge!
